Since being here, I've learned, done and seen lot of things that have changed my outlook on life and will probably have huge implications on both my personality and career (There I go, being all hippy dippy again).
I'm pretty confident that a lot of these leanings will stay with me for life, but there are certain things I have to write down in order to remember them.
One of these is a drinking game called Kings that we've played far too often for my liking - mainly thanks to Nathan, Rachel and Tenille. I'd never heard of it before which is surely evidence of my sheltered tee-total life?
I've had to write the rules down so I remember them for future drinking sessions. I couldn't remember the rules at the start of the game so I had no chance of remembering them by the end!
So this blog entry can act as a rule book for my return from Africa / Cath's First Drinking Session Since Having Baby Danielle / Daniel session!
You need an empty glass and a pack of cards.
Every player pours some of their drink into a glass in the middle of the table. This known as the King's Cup.
The cards are shuffled and put into the middle of the table and one person starts off by picking the top card. Each card has an action associated with it which are listed below.
Ace - Waterfall. Everyone starts to drink. The player to the left of the person that picked that card has to drink until the picker stops. This continues around the table
Two - Whoever picks this card can make any other player drink two fingers worth of drink
Three - Whoever picks this card must drink three fingers worth of their own drink
Four - Dicks. Ie, all blokes drink
Five - Rhyme Time. Whoever picks this card picks a word. To the left, the other players must say something that rhymes. If they take longer than three seconds, they must drink.
Six - Chicks. Ie, all girls drink
Seven - Sevens. The person that picks this card starts off counting. For numbers including seven and multiples of seven, you must clap. If you get it wrong, you must drink (Thisone in particular ain't my forte)
Eight - Thumbs. At any time in the game, this players can place a thumb of the table. The last person to notice this and copy has to drink
Nine - Free Pass. Whoever picks this card has a free pass which means they can go to the toilet whenever they want
Ten - Rule. Whoever picks this card can make up a new rule for the game. Eg. All British people have to drink on all red cards
(Harsh rule, Tenille, harsh rule! And I'm Welsh first so I shouldn't have had to drink!)
Jack - the person to your right has to drink
Queen - the person to your left has to drink
King - whoever draws a king card has to drink a quarter of the vile concoction in the middle of the table.
No wonder I've been so pissed!
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