Wednesday, 15 February 2012



Well, seeing as this is my one week anniversary of arriving at the TACC offices, I thought it was about time I wrote about work seeing as that’s the reason I’m here – well, until my mega trip starts in April.

I’m starting to find my feet a bit more now and have begun to work on a few documents for TACC. One of the main problems I’m finding is that all of their documents are very, very techy. Not necessarily technical about climate change, but they don’t seem to have any jargon free, public facing documents that explain in simple terms what the project is about, what they can offer and what they are hoping to achieve.

So, guess what my first job is!

I’m also going to be spending time trying to establish a website for the project.

It’ll be a tough job mind - I haven’t seen this many acronyms I don’t understand since my first day in the Agency.
Talking of which, I’ve been there for 10.5 years ago now. Can’t believe I’ve known my FRM Three that long! You’d better not have been to Starbucks without me.

And apart from Sarah C, I’m the longest serving member of the Comms team. How did that happen? Now that is scary. Although I have decades and decades to catch up on before I can compete with Sarah.
She’s gonna love me for that.

I was very glad to find one work tradition that transcends the world though.  Despite the roasting temperatures, elevenses here consists of coffee and a deep fried doughnut-but-not-a-doughnut that is making a very negative contribution to Operation B&S.

Other stuff about work

  • I’m pretty sure people here don’t say hello or goodbye on the phone. I find that weird.
  • I didn’t realise just how much I took simple resources such as paper and printing for granted. Reading 200 page documents on screen makes my eyes boggle and I didn’t realise how many notes and amends I make on print outs. 
  • One of the most frustrating things about working is the EA laptop that I have brought with me. I haven’t been able to access work email or personal email properly from here despite being assured it would be fine. If it wasn’t for facebook and my iPad, I’d be scuppered.

Other stuff about life

  • Now I know understand Anthony Worrell-Thompson etc al staged a coup when they wanted more sausages in the jungle. I don’t know what I wouldn’t do for an M&S tomato and spicy Italian sausage ready meal. (Still don’t get the stealing cheese thing though)

  • I’ve been trying to learn Mali from one of my housemates. He’s exceedingly polite and encouraging when I try, but can see him holding back a smile at my attempts to sound West African. Actually, it’s pretty similar to the look of distain / pity I get from Deiniol and Curig when I do my best, “iawn sti? Champion!”

  • I washed my clothes for the first time last night (only had one pair of pants left!), so Dan Lewis, you have some serious competition in the Who Knows How To Use The Washing Machine In The Guest House rankings.
  • Any more news on becoming Dr UgandAnge, Ange?!

  • Lovely, lovely, lovely Steve, next time we skype, you need to tell me how you managed to Dr Who style tardis-ise my rucksack – you truly are the Master of Packing! I’ve put everything I don’t need until my trip back into it and there’s barely room for anything else! Repacking may be challenging.

  • Gill, even though I should have married Mark, not you (but not for *that*, eww. No offence Mark, but I’m pretty sure you feel the same way too!) I love ya to bits! Operation Thaw is on track thanks to you!

  • For those that care, Operation B on track, Operation S not so much. #Notsoamazeballs.

  • Apologies to all those who now have texts from me in txt spk. I know how much I rant about how it irritates me back home, but grammar costs – and it ain’t cheap from here! Lol.

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