Tuesday, 7 February 2012

First full day in Mbale

After staying the night in Kampala, Edward, our Country Manager, picked us up from the hotel yesterday to take us to our assignment locations.

Before we left, we had a briefing from him which went through the history of Uganda, the dos and don'ts of being here as well as some more info about where Alex and Sue will be staying. We also got ourselves Ugandan mobiles and sim cards so it's cheaper for us to call home.

Luckily for me, the EA assignees from last year stayed in the same place as I'm staying so I felt like I knew what to expect. I'm staying in a guest house in the CURE children's hospital in Mbale. There was a programme made that's still available on Channel 4 OD about the work they do there. It's amazing and really humbling. It's called unreported world if you are interested.

The journey here was quite interesting and we saw loads of stuff that just blew my mind! And the roads are something else ... I now understand why I was recommended to bring a sports bra by every woman I spoke to who has been here!

I was dropped off at my accommodation first and was pleased as punch to see there was wifi! (but more on where I'm staying later but I'll try to post some photos below) then dropped Sue and Alex off at their hotel (As they have further to travel, they stayed in Mbale for a night).

We went out for food in the night and I had fish and rice ... and it was food with a face fish! I felt really pleased with myself for managing (I think) to hide the alarm on my face with I saw this fish staring up at me with its beady little eyes following me wherever I went.

Anyway, it didn't take long for me to get to sleep when we got in. Sitting around on planes and in cars is tiring work.

Work. That reminds me...

I turned up for my first day at work today but they weren't expecting me! They knew I was coming, but didn't know when.
So as the project manager wasn't in, I had the day off to explore.
Although to be honest, I didn't venture very far as I'm pretty (very) geographically challenged. I managed to get myself to town and back via a local market which I thought was quite an achievement though.
The market experience is a whole other story though...

Current location
Mbale CURE children's hospital guest house. My 'flatmates' are an Irish medicine student and two neurosurgeons - a significant step up from the housemates I had in Swansea and Cardiff...! ;-)

What was the last thing you ate?
Pineapple from the market which was cut up in front of me - it was gorgeous!

What do you wish you knew yesterday?
That I would have the day off so I could have had a lie in!
Fish here doesn't come filleted. Although I suppose I knew that, I was just being optimistic!

High point
Not being totally ripped off in the market for my veg. Two thousand shillings for an avocado, five tomatoes and some onions. I have no idea how much that is, but I've been told that's about right!

Low point
Almost getting covered in flying fish scales in the market. Ych a fi!
Wanting to buy some local veg but realising I had no idea what it was or to how to cook it. I think I need lessons in African cooking. Or cooking in general. I ended up having pasta and pesto, just because I knew I could do that!!

Trying to be match made with what looked like a 16 year old boy by his 13 year old sister!
Actually, that was very funny so it could also be a high point - Hey muzungo (name for a white person), you like my brother? You want to marry him and be my sister, yes?

The photos below are of the guest house. My room is a mess so you can wait to see that... Although I have a very fetching fleece tiger blanket in my bed... Lovely!

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