Monday, 27 February 2012

Massage update and hiraeth

It seems a few people are eager to know how Alex got on with his massage - even those of you who have never met him before! And no, I'm not evil and it wasn't nasty, I was testing his ability to cope in unexpected circumstances - the whole point of us being in Africa is to push us out of our comfort zone!

He had one the following day when we went back up to the hotel. This time we were joined by Sue - who had escaped from Muyembe (real out in the sticks rural Uganda) by successfully catching one of the unfathomable taxi buses into the bright lights of Mbale - and two Canadian girls who work at the local hospital. I made sure I briefed the girls on the situation whilst he was having a swimming race with some local kids, so we all knowingly waved him off with big smiles wishing him a nice relaxing time.

He returned an hour later, glaring at me through narrowed eyes, pursing his lips and shaking his head. "So ... How was it for you dear?" I asked, not even attempting to hide my glee.
I got a two word response from him.
The first word was you.
The second one rhymes with dastard.

He refused to elaborate or share any details whilst me and the other girls were falling around on the floor and holding our stomachs we were laughing so hard, but eventually he admitted he pretty much had the same experience as I did.
The only thing he would confirm is that the masseuse had 'repositioned' some stuff whilst treating his upper inner thigh!
My absolute favourite part of the day though was when he announced he had to go and shower because he felt grubby! It wasn't so much what he said but the way he said it - shuddering whilst cwtching himself.

In other news, as most people reading this probably know, I missed the rugby on Saturday. Best laid plans and all that.
There we were, beer in hand, waiting for 6.45 to arrive so we could ask them to put the game on ready for the anthems. 6.45 comes and there was no rugby to be seen anywhere. Apparently they thought we wanted Super Rugby despite reiterating so many times that we wanted to watch the BBC for the Six Nations tournament.

To say I was gutted was an understatement. It's more honest to say I was in a really shitty mood for the rest of the evening so ended up coming home, logging onto Facebook and getting depressed reading everyone's excited status updated. (The electric was off at mine for the game itself so I couldn't come home and confuse my housemates by being 'passionate in my bedroom' again) It was the strongest feeling of hiraeth I've had since being here.
It sounded like an amazing game, I'm so gutted I missed it.
In fact, I'm still pouting.

Lotsa love


Ps, for those of you reading from work make sure you read Sue's update on the EAW blog - it's great and gives a real insight into her life in out in the sticks rural Uganda.

Pps. A gecko fell on my head when I opened a door last night. I papped myself.

Ppps. I've run out of chocolate eclair sweets. Gutted.

Melissa (The Canadian girl from Tsawwassen Ki) has an underwater camera - thus the pics below!
So glad you got me to buy the SD card adaptor And - sharing photos is so easy!

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