Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Truck malaria, breaching the peace, leopard poo & Pricey

I've decided I've gone off Malawi seeing as it gave two of our trip members a serious bout of malaria that ended up with them on an intravenous drip in a Zimbabwe hospital. Luckily, they're both on the mend, have rejoined the trip and yes I've been taking my tablets religiously - honest!

So Zim has taken over as my second favourite country in Africa after Uganda, despite its crooked police officers that tried to arrest Lauren on a Friday afternoon for taking a photograph outside a supermarket and wanted to keep her in the cells until a court appearance the following Wednesday!
After a three hour interrogation and the eventual intervention of the Chief of Police (who confirmed she hadn't done anything wrong in the first place!), Lauren had to sign an Admission of Guilt form for breaching the peace and pay a $10 fine. We're not quite sure how or when she breached the peace during the whole debacle, but she has the certificate / receipt to prove it!

After this unexpected and (eventually) entertaining hold up, we arrived at Antelope Park in Gweru much later than expected and it was bloody freezing!
As we're moving more south and deeper into Winter, the nights are getting much, much colder but happily the days are still warm and sunny.
Yesterday, I wore shorts, a vest top and factor 30 in the day and was wrapped up my sleeping bag and sleeping bag liner whilst wearing long leggings, walking trousers, a t shirt, a fleece, a hat and ski socks last night!

There were loads of great things to do at Antelope Park, including elephant training and riding, lions walks, kayaking and biking. My favourite activity was the lion feeding with the 'teenage' males who are being trained to survive when they are released back into the wild.
We stood behind a wire fence with a pile of meat about a foot in front of us. The lions were then released from their temporary cage and raced towards their food, each aiming to get there first to prove they were the alpha male of the group. It really was phenomenal to watch them battle so ferociously for group dominance - despite the minging bloody animal guts and lion slobber splashback that dirtied my nice clean white top.

I'll remember Antelope Park for three other things :

1. Straightening my hair for the first time since January
2. The most amazing upgrade we've had to date - a 16 bed manor house (that reminded me of Shell Cottage from Harry Potter) between three of us for $15 a night
3. Our free snake viewing. The activity sheet said it was $8 to do the snake handling activity but those sitting in the front row of our talk got to see it for free. Bad choice of shorts buddy!

After leaving Gweru, we headed towards Matapos National Park for a game drive.
This game drive was different to others we've done. Our guide, Ian, explained not only about the animals, but also about the local indigenous tribes and their ancestors' cave rock paintings which are said to be some of the oldest in the world, found us some 20 minute old leopard poo (the closest we've come to seeing the real thing - elusive little buggers!), and 'bush medicine'. Personally, I'd rather take my chances with a dodgy stomach rather than sipping elephant poo tea.

He also took us deep into the bush to see his 'babies', a family of black Rhinos. At one point, we managed to get within about 15 metres of them which was amazing albeit a little scary when they all suddenly stood up and started huffing, puffing and grunting at us!

By the end of the day, I think we were all a little bit in love with Ian, even the boys! He's one of those people that has such natural charisma that's well as his passion and charisma for what he does, you can't helped but be mesmerised by him - and his really short shorts!

We then left Matapos and headed towards Victoria falls where I met Pricey.
My plan to calmly approach her, hand outstretched with the words, "Miss Price I presume" didn't work out exactly as planned. Instead, I excitedly screamed, "Anwen!!!!!!!" from across the other side of the bar and much to her embarrassment and discomfort, ran across to her sun lounger and jumped on top of her before asking, "now, where is my Haribo, chocolate, asking boots and waxing strips?"

We've already run out of Haribo and chocolate. Anyone fancy bringing us some more?

(This is the second time I've written this blog as I just lost the whole lot as I pressed publish! Arghh!

However, due to our malaria-ridden travellers, we've had to change our schedule. Tonight we're happily staying at a campsite with wifi instead of our intended one. Wifi makes me very, very happy these days!)


1. Our guide Ian and the Absoluters
2. Lions eating at Antelope Park
3. The Manor!
4. 20 minute old leopard poo - the closest we've come to seeing a leopard!
5. Elephant training
6. Trying to blend in with the locals. Maybe I should have ditched the sunnies...
7. Elephant ride
8. Rhino trekking.

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