Thursday 14 June 2012


As soon as we crossed the border from Namibia into South Africa, the temperature plummeted and the jeans, fleeced walking trousers, long sleeved tops, hat, scarf and gloves were fished out of the bottom of the big rucksack. It felt like we were back home in the middle of winter with the howling wind, horizontal rain and localised flooding.
("You tricked me into coming to Africa. It's supposed to be warm here. Stupid country" - Anwen Price, 10/06/12)

It took almost three months to get from Uganda to South Africa, but we made it to the Wales v New Zealand game of the Junior World Championship with three hours until kick off - perfect timing!

There were four of us who braved the sub-zero temperatures and made it to Stellenbosch university where Baby Wales were playing the Baby Blacks followed by England v Ireland - me & Fani Ani and Sarah & Girl Alex (as their bad luck would have it, both English).
Luckily, a Nanna Glenys from Mold meant that Sarah was supporting Wales and Girl Alex, being the lovely person that she is, also joined in with Welsh chants. (I did have to give Alex a bit of a stern talking to though.
"Look love, if you're going to be sitting next to me at a rugby game, there are two rules.
1. Get a pint in your hand. Now.
2. You can drop that posh little accent of yours as soon as you like and talk tidy like me an' 'er. From now on, it's 'Way-Ulz' or 'C'mon Cymru'. Got it? Good girl. Now, let's cwtch up - it's bloody freezing."

As most Welsh people reading this will know, it was a brilliant game and Baby Wales did us so proud with a 9 - 6 victory (the first time that New Zealand have ever lost a game in the JWC) and I'm so chuffed to be able to say, "I WAS THERE!"

After leaving Stellenbosch, we headed towards Cape Town where we'll be spending the rest of our time in Africa before flying home to the Promised Land of hot showers, comfy beds and beauty salons that don't give you third degree burns as part of a leg wax ... Can't wait!

(In other news ...
There are so many fit blokes in Cape Town! There seems to be a hotty at every corner we turn around.
However, as promised to Dr Morris, I haven't fallen in love with a South African seeing as she, "couldn't stand someone with that dreadful accent hanging round us all the time"!)

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